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Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and website. Never miss an update. Be part of a principled worldwide movement upholding the value of human life, individual liberty, local decision-making and national sovereignty. Goals include extinguishing all forms of governmental overreach and focusing on peace, progress and prosperity. All victims of government overreach including vaccine harm are entitled to receive a permanent free subscription to Michael Darby in Australia.

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Trends continue until they are reversed. Presently we see a rapid worldwide erosion of health, liberty and hope, through burgeoning international authoritarian contempt for humanity. Let us reverse the trend, beginning with the restoration of maximum autonomy for individuals, for families, for communities, for states or provinces, and for nations. Consign human sacrifice in all its forms to one of history’s most shameful dustbins.

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Subscribe to Michael Darby in Australia

This substack strives to protect and defend the victims of governmental and quasi-government overreach, especially deliberate or reckless harm to human prosperity, education, welfare, health or life, for the benefit of Cultists, Profiteers or Rulers.


Bush Poetry Champion of Australia (2023) Registered Lobbyist, Western Australia Captain, Royal Australian Signals (Ret'd) Patron, Street Mission Patron, Queenslanders for Constitutional Monarchy