Ceduna District Council passes resolutions by Cr Hayley Nicholls and makes a great contibution to the rising tide of honesty
Deputy Mayor Robert Sleep has confirmed that the 3pm Wednesday 20 November 2024 Council Meeting carried the Resolutions proposed by Cr Hayley Nicholls.
For many years unelected authoritarian internationalists have assiduously white-anted Councils around Australia, plus WALGA and other bodies representing Councils. Many Councils, especially in the big cities, have notoriously promoted the global warming cult, the interests of Big Pharma, the malign intentions of WHO, and, in some cases, campaigns attacking Israel. Five inspirational Councillors in the Town of Port Hedland have shown the way back. Their example has been followed admirably by Cr Hayley Nicholls with her Resolutions on the Agenda for the Wednesday 20 November 2024 Council Meeting at 3pm. Mayor Ken Maynard, the Deputy Mayor and the other six councillors, on the basis of available information, all impress as sincere, diligent and caring representatives for a hardworking community where worthy activities including grain production and oyster farming are always at the mercy of the elements. Soon I hope to advise that Council has passed the resolutions.
AT 8.30am Adelaide time on 21 November 2022, Deputy Mayor Robert Sleep confirmed that on Wednesday 20 November the District Council of Ceduna carried the resolutions proposed Cr Hayley Nicholls.
Applause for Mayor Ken Maynard, Deputy Mayor Robert Sleep, Cr Anthony Nicholls, Cr Geoff Ryan, Cr Hayley Nicholls, Cr Janet Evans, Cr Joyce Brewster, Cr Michele Jacobsen, Cr Paul Brown.
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K.A. LOUGHREY LtCol(Ret'd) BE Mech(hons), psc, jssc, Grad Dip Strategic Studies wrote to Ballina Shire Councillors
From: Kevin Loughrey <kevinl@kevinloughrey.com.au>
Sent: Thursday, 24 October 2024
Dear Councillors
I'm writing to you to request you include in the agenda of your next Council meeting a discussion item concerning the danger anti-COVID injections, based on mRNA technology, pose to the people of Ballina Shire.
Before having that meeting and as an incentive for holding that meeting, I strongly recommend that you watch the following address by Professor Doctor Angus Dalgleish to the Port Hedland Council on the crisis of synthetic DNA contamination in the COVID mRNA "jabs" and it's serious short and long term implications to public health at: https://x.com/dragonfishy/status/1845614571576541635
Once you have viewed that video I request that you meet to formally discuss this issue and, as a Council, having concern for your constituents, the residents of this Shire, then make representation to the State Government demanding these so-called "COVID Vaccines" be banned because they are not only ineffective but extremely detrimental to public health.
As further background to this, earlier this year, some of you may know I made a submission to the Senate Inquiry into Excess Deaths. You will find that submission at:
with its supporting annexes at:
For your convenience, I have attached the relevant documents to this email.
The Australian Government has declined to publish this submission on the Senate Inquiry's website.
They have also refused to publish submissions of my friends and associates Prof Dr Peter McCullough and Dr Melissa McCann. Dr McCann is heading a class action for the vaccine injured. The group I chair has assisted Dr McCann with the production of over 1,200 briefs of evidence for that class action.
It is definite that the anti-COVID injections based on mRNA technology are now responsible for an excess mortality rate in Australia of around 15%. Thanks to the work of Dr Wilson Sy, another friend and associate, expert in data analysis, it is apparent there is a clear correlation between the number of doses of mRNA injections being administered to the public in Australia and Australia's excess mortality as shown in this graph. This has been conveyed to the authorities but to no effect. Hence the reason for trying now, "a bottom up approach". Nothing is closer to the people than Local Government.
It has also long been known that these injections are actually negatively effective, ie, the more you have, the more susceptible to illness you become as this graph from the Cleveland Ohio Medical Clinic, based on over 50,000 patients, plainly shows.
Some of you may think that this is not the role of a Council. I want to disabuse you of that notion. You were elected to office by the residents of this Shire and, having taken your oath of office, you have a duty of care and an obligation to protect the welfare of the residents of this Shire.
Specifically, you have sworn to, "undertake the duties of the office of councillor in the best interests of the people of Ballina Shire"
Having now been informed of the danger these injections pose to the people of Ballina Shire, you have an obligation to act in their best interests. This would particularly apply to Cr Kinny who, having been a medical practitioner, should be well aware of the danger these injections pose. I rely on him to advise you of this fact and I strongly suggest that you do not sit on your hands hoping someone else will do your duty for you. You have nothing to lose by making representation to the State Government but if you fail to act you will be complicit and have been derelict in the discharge of your responsibilities per your oath.
Kevin Loughrey
Warren Ross wrote
from: Warren Ross
Sent: Wednesday, 23 October 2024 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: Blue Mountains Council Comes to the Defence of Big Pharma
On Blue Mountains City Council.
This outfit and its Mayor have had a history of expanding their mandate to defend Big Pharma and its captured government regulatory bodies. The YouTube video in this article shows the Mayor, two years ago, ridiculing members of the public who question the success of the so-called vaccine rollout. Sycophantic Councillors joined him in directing abuse at the community. It only runs for 10 minutes.
In the last few days, he wrote to a resident stating that he had banned all anti-vaccine activities from Council land [The illustration at the head of this post]. Our Council deserves a much larger profile for the ridiculous stance it has taken on the Covid poison.
More recently, it has been desperate to please agencies like ICLEI and various other UN operations by promoting a life- stultifying Net Zero policy. Blue Mountains residents sit within 11,000 square kilometres of native bushland. Our carbon offset program is running very well.
Warren Ross
Katoomba NSW
Mark Neugebauer’s Letter to Yankalilla District Council in South Australia on Thursday 24 October 2024
From: Mark Neugebauer <erich.neug@protonmail.com>
Date: On Thursday, October 24th, 2024 at 8:43 PM
I am writing to bring your attention to an urgent matter regarding a motion passed by the Port Hedland Council in Western Australia. During a Special Council Meeting held on October 11, 2024, Port Hedland Council voted in favor of a motion to address serious concerns about DNA contamination discovered in COVID-19 vaccines sourced from Australia.
Vials of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines have been scientifically tested and found to contain synthetic DNA contamination that exceed Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) safety limit by up to 145 times. This level of contamination poses significant potential health risks, including genomic integration, the development of cancers, hereditary defects, and immune system disruption.
The Port Hedland Council, through their CEO, has resolved to inform every local council and councillor across Australia of these alarming findings. Furthermore, they are urging all councils to formally write to the Prime Minister, the Minister for Health, and other relevant authorities to demand an immediate halt to the use of these vaccines, and to inform the public and medical professionals in their respective areas about these risks.
As a resident of Yankalilla District Council, I am requesting that our council take immediate action to protect the health and safety of its residents by following the example set by Port Hedland Council. I strongly urge you to put forward a motion similar to the one passed by Port Hedland Council, calling for a halt to the administration of Covid-19 mRNA vaccines use and informing the public of the contamination risks.
Enclosed with this email are detailed documents and evidence supporting the concerns raised as well as the motions for ‘you’ to carry out similar steps as Port Hedland. I kindly ask that you review these materials carefully and take the necessary steps to address this matter with the urgency it demands.
I trust that our council will prioritize the well-being of its constituents and take prompt action by raising this issue with the relevant authorities and informing the public, as Port Hedland Council has done. Please let me know how our council intends to proceed, and feel free to contact me for further clarification if needed.
I would appreciate a formal acknowledgment of this letter in your response, either by email or letter, to confirm that it has been received and is under review. Additionally, I would like to remind the council of the importance of proper record-keeping on this significant matter. It should be included in the council's records to ensure transparency and accountability moving forward.
I kindly request that this letter be formally logged, assigned a reference number, and presented at the next council meeting for discussion.
In closing I also draw your attention to another attached document titled -Are_Councilors_Who_Fail_To_Exercise_Their_Duty_Of_Care_Potentially_Personally_Liable.
This document outlines a series of questions querying OpenAI Chat GPT about Councillors duty of Care and possible consequences for not acting on critical information. This was compiled by a concerned resident in a NSW council but applicable to SA also. The key question is, will you act on your duty of care?
Thank you for your time and attention to this critical issue.
Yours sincerely,
Mark Neugebauer
Resident of Yankalilla Council
According to the Daily Mail of 15 October 2024:
On Monday 14 October, WA Premier Roger Cook insisted the Covid vaccines were not dangerous and said the council had 'gone completely off the rails'. 'The Town of Port Hedland should stick to its knitting,' the Premier said.
Here is how too many Australian and New Zealand Councils “stick to their knitting”:
Welcome to Oceania Secretariat of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy, a global alliance of cities and local governments sharing goals for an action-oriented approach to climate change for the transition to low-emission and resilient societies. With over 10, 500 cities from 120 countries, representing nearly one billion people and nearly 15% of the total global population, the GCoM is the largest global network of local councils taking action on climate change.
Australian Councils
Australian Capital Territory Government, Bellingen Shire Council, Blacktown City, Council, Brighton Council, Byron Shire Council, Campbelltown City Council, City of Adelaide, City of Darebin’ City of Glen Eira’ City of Hobart, City of Joondalup, City of Manningham, City of Mandurah, City of Maribyrnong, City of Melbourne. City of Melville, City of Newcastle, City of Perth, City of Port Phillip, City of Sydney, City of Unley, City of West Torrens, City of Yarra, Melton City Council, Merri-bek City Council, Mornington Peninsula Shire, Mount Barker District Council, Penrith City Council, Sutherland Shire Council, Tweed Shire Council, Wollongong City Council, Wyndham City Council,
New Zealand Councils
Auckland Council, Christchurch City Council, Dunedin City Council, New Plymouth District Council, Rotorua Lakes Council, Wellington City Council,
Pacific Island Councils
Honiara City Council, Solomon Is, Lenakel Town Vanuatu, Nadi Town Council, Fiji, Port Moresby National Capital District, Port Vila Municipality Council Vanuatu
Merri-bek Council has a Mayor who represents the Australian Greens. From the Council Website:
As a Council we declared a climate emergency in Merri-bek on 12 September 2018. We have committed to urgent action to respond to this emergency.
We support the demand for urgent action on this issue by all levels of government. We invite everyone to get involved and do their part.
It is Council’s adopted goal for Merri-bek to achieve 75% emissions reduction by 2030 (against 2011/12 baseline), net zero by 2035 and drawdown (‘negative emissions’) by 2040.
To avoid permanent climate collapse we have to reduce our global carbon emissions to net zero as soon as possible. We must do this soon, as science tells us we have a closing window in which we can act. NASA modelling shows us we are on track for an increase in temperature of 2.5 to 4.5°C, which you can read more about on NASA's Global Climate Change website.
Merri-bek has its part to play in stopping the increase in temperature and to limit the temperature increase to less than 1.5°C. If we do this we can limit the damaging impacts on our health, food security and way of life.
Heading to 100% emissions reduction
Council will continue to reduce carbon emissions by:
Converting our vehicle fleet to electric vehicles, focussing on light fleet but including heavier vehicles where appropriate.
Expanding out public EV charging network, and trialling on-street charging with our local utilities.
Exploring how to implement a hydrogen refuelling station and using hydrogen to power our heavy vehicles.
Progressively transitioning our remaining street lights to LED.
Converting our buildings and aquatic centres from gas to heat pumps running off zero-carbon electricity.
Continuing to improve the energy efficiency of all facilities.
Installing solar photovoltaic where feasible, both on Council-occupied buildings and leased properties, through the Solar on Leased program.
Engaging with our suppliers to reduce their emissions and prioritise low-carbon products, particularly for infrastructure works.
Who can claim that a Council is “sticking to its knitting” by running EV charging stations and squandering resources on the Andrew Forrest hydrogen scam?
Australian folk hero Julian Gillespie wrote on 13 October 2024:
All 537 Australian Councils to Receive DNA Contamination report
.. and much much more
Oct 13
good Substack Folk,
the meeting
video of the entire Special Meeting will be made available on the Port Hedland Council website in coming days HERE .. but for now the meeting can be seen here on Rumble .. thank you Courage is The Cure
.. and it was a long one - at over 2 hours and 40 minutes - especially for you east coast Folk who stayed up burning the midnight oil
.. the speech for Australia
for mine, and to assist everyone here with getting to the nub of Adrian’s concern and why this meeting had to go ahead urgently, I have extracted Councillor McRae’s speech in support of the Motion .. a little over 10 minutes
.. Albanese .. take notes
.. but wait .. let’s roll it back a little .. Adrian mentioned Angus Dalgleish
before Councillor McRae delivered this extraordinary speech the meeting was closed to the attending public and online audience for nearly 30 minutes, as Mayor Carter called a Confidential Session so Councillors could watch a certain video Councillor McRae had brought along
.. so, what was that video all about?
.. enter Professor Angus Dalgleish
Professor Dalgleish, as the lead co-signatory of Mr Broadbent’s letter of the 25th, stepped-up to break-down the Science Summary that letter contains, for the benefit of Port Hedland Councillors and the attending public
here is what the Councillors were watching during that Confidential Session .. an address by Professor Dalgleish
“Each booster increases the incidence of cancer across the board”
.. I watch this testimony from Professor Dalgleish and here again and again and again
CANCER is the nature of the elephant in the room Councillor McRae has now - with the successful passing of the Motion - called upon all Australian Councils to see has been shown to the Prime Minister .. Tony .. weeks ago now .. about which Tony and the Canberra Mob are saying nothing
.. a high-def version of Prof Dalgleish’s video is available HERE
.yes .. as Angus Dalgleish has made it clear .. we have already entered a health crisis and the Canberra Mob has to get off its collective ass*s and start fixing this mess they have made .. if we are to survive, as a country
thank you .. please share widely, and restack if you can
© 2024 Julian
PO Box 3, Suffolk Park NSW, 2481
More great work by Julian Gillespie!
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Unity of Purpose is a Worthy Aim
Let’s Get Our Act Together
Dr Peter McCullough and his ally John Leake have together made a wonderful international contribution to understanding of early treatment protocols and the harm caused by mRNA drugs. In addition to their powerful intervention against the Biden administration’s obsession with maximising the profits of Big Pharma, DrMcCullough and John Leake also contribute strongly to the defence of civilisation against the profiteering advocates for abolition of reliable energy.
Similarly, Dr Robert W Malone MD, another effective opponent of coercive vaccination, also warns us of the immense dangers inseparable from the policies of the Environmental Protection Agency, for example the intended requirement for electric models to account for 60% of new urban delivery trucks and 25% of long-haul prime movers by 2032.
Some of the millions of victims of vaccine harm have not yet realised that their suffering has been caused by the same politicians, the same unelected authoritarians and the same profiteers who drive the global warming fraud. Let’s all encourage such victims to identify and expose the wickedness which has caused their pain, while we maximise our efforts to alleviate that pain.
Some of the good folk who lucidly advocate for real science in opposition to the charlatans of the Global Warming Cult have not yet turned their attention to the wickedness of Big Pharma and its corrupt allies in positions of power in Australia, Canada, USA, UK and elsewhyere. Let us all encourage every person of goodwill to speak up for the victims of vaccine harm (or their surviving loved ones) who emphatically deserve compassion, care and compensation.
Some readers have not yet declared themselves as supporters of freedom and national sovereignty for the people of Ukraine, victims of brutal aggression by the Putin hegemonists. Historians of the future may well concur that the 7 October 2023 attack on Israel by HAMAS was orchestrated by Putin, with the results exactly as he planned; a major distraction from public examination of the wickedness of Russia, and a dilution of support for Ukraine. Neither Putin nor HAMAS nor Hezbollah care in the slightest about the consequent bloodshed. Note that Australia has still failed to deliver on the promise to shift our Embassy to Jerusalem. Thoughtful Australians stand with Ukraine and stand with Israel and stand with Taiwan.
From Michael Darby and allies, a program to save Australia
[Additions welcome]
To save Australia from serious harm already done, and from even worse harm which the forces of darkness intend to inflict, we need a popular program of peaceful persuasion which includes these elements:
Turn the Ausralian Nation away from centralised authoritarianism by devolving decision making wherever possible to local communities. The NDIS is a ghastly example of inevitable waste, corruption and criminality when control of an ostensibly humanitarian activity is vested in Canberra bureaucrats. Aged Care and Education are further examples of failed Federal overreach. Let hospitals be run by locally elected Boards with representation from the health professionals.
Rescind indemnities granted to Big Pharma
Provide total transparency on vaccine harm and excess deaths
Uphold the Early Treatment Protocols devised and continually revised by Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Pierre Kory and their affiliates in genuine concern for patient welfare.
Sack health bureaucrats who have no experience of treating Covid-19 and replace them with competent evidence-based Australian medical professionals who uphold the doctor-patient relationship and honour the DO NO HARM principle
Restore the right to work to all persons who suffered discrimination for non-compliance with coercive vaccination
Ensure all victims of vaccine harm receive compassion, care and compensation. Especially deserving of compassion, care and compensation are the thousands of women whose unborn babies were murdered or maimed by mRNA drugs administered during pregnancy. The official line that there are no contra-indications to mRNA drugs during pregnancy was always a lie.
Redirect academic funding from worthless study of climate change to a ge nuinely important and urgent goal, namely ameliorating the harmful effects of mRNA experimental drugs
Cease subsiding windmills and solar panels and they will soon disappear
Insist that there be no additional connection to the grid of solar panels and windmills.
Ban offshore windmills in all Australian waters
Expose the profiteers and scammers who promote for their financial benefit the most outrageous fraud in world history. Name and shame Andrew Forrest AO and all the rest of them
Declare that action on climate change deserves no status as a goal of policy, and that governments at all levels are expected to lead and inspire focus upon genuine goals which embrace: compassion care and compensation for victims of mRNA vaccines and all other forms of governmental, bureaucratic and corporate over-reach; elimination of homelessness; minimisation of suicide; practical locally-based assistance and encouragement for the poor, the elderly, the disadvantaged and the marginalised; control of immigration to uphold the job opportunities, access to housing, personal security and cultural cohesion of Australians; plus restoration and preservation of Australian sovereignty through economic and military strength; all with the aim of achieving peace, progress and prosperity for future generations.
End dangerous, expensive and wholly purposeless geo-sequestration
Educate all politicians, teachers and media presenters to read tide gauges
Stop destroying farmland, forests and habitats by useless grid expansion
Shut down the fake industry ripping off grants for studying the non-problem of climate change
Accept the truth that edible animals cannot increase carbon dioxide levels by eating grass, nor by any other means
Stand with primary producers in guaranteeing the right to live export
Slash immigration, and limit refugees to persecuted Christians only
Remove the Federal ban on nuclear energy and also remove State bans on nuclear energy in Queensland, NSW and Victoria
Incentivise the conversion to liquid fuel of Victoria’s vast brown coal (lignite) resource, to rescue Australia from dependence on foreign refineries and dire lack of locally held strategic fuel reserves
Accept that brown coal is an excellent low-cost source of energy for electricity generation, and resist all restrictions upon its use
Where possible extend the life of coal-fired power stations
Replace destroyed and non-extendable coal fired power stations with nuclear power stations
Call for tenders for deploying small modular reactors mounted on unsinkable powered barges at sites including Esperance, Busselton, Karratha, Carnarvon, Karratha, Port Hedland, Broome, Wyndham, Darwin, Gove Peninsula, Cooktown, Cairns, Townsville. Helium-cooled reactors from South Africa will serve this purpose well, and in addition, with no need for cooling water, are ideal for remote inland operation. As one example, with nuclear power at hand, vast coal reserves astride the SA/NT border suddenly become viable. Access in remote areas to low cost, totally reliable electricity has the potential to transform the mostly empty interior. Electricity for abattoirs. Electricity for deep drilling. Electricity for excavation. Electricity for pantograph power of mine haulage. Electricity for minerals processing and beneficiation. Electricity for water purification. Electricity for railways. Electricity for data processing and even for bitcoin mining. Electricity for homes, hospitals and happiness. Electricity for jobs. Electricity for manufacturing. Electricity for education. Electricity for new communities, new cities and new States.
Encourage industry and population growth by offering free residential electricty in the vicinity of each nuclear reactor.
Cancel the Snowy Hydro II scam and write off the money already wasted. Invite tenders for commercial use of the now worthless tunnel, perhap as the world’s largest mushroom farm. Note that pumped hydro and other forms of energy storage cannot convert unreliable energy to reliable energy. Pumped hydro is good for extending the utility of reliable power generation fueled by coal or nuclear power, and the use of mine voids is appropriate for this purpose.
Quit the WHO, reject the WEF, the IPCC and Paris Agreements
Cancel every agreement and rescind evey law or regulation which mentions Climate Change, Carbon Dioxide or Emissions Targets or Net Zero
Cease immediately all governmental promotion of mRNA vaccines while permitting prescriptions by private doctors for fully informed consenting patients.
Stop growing fuel and instead focus on feeding hungry deserving humans
Stop paying primary producers not to grow food
Stop printing money
Guarantee the permanent continuation of cash
Get rid of the woke wastrels pretending to lead the Australian Defence Force
Impose a Commonwealth royalty of 20% on the local turnover of international tech giants who presently pay minimal tax on contrived low declared profits.
Acknowledge that local government across Australia has been deliberately and systematically subverted by international cultists hostile to the welfare of Australians, and develop a strategy to undo the damage.
Ensure that any group of Australians who wish to form a new State, should be entitled to vote on the matter.
Most of the above recommendations are explained at length in Unchain Australia, launched in August 2021. Unchain Australia is free to subscribers at www.michaeldarby.net/unchain
Petroleum Service Company. Petroleum Product of the Week
No Surrender on the Digital ID Bills!
Friends, this is not the time to surrender. Lobby your local minor party and opposition parliamentarians and candidates. The priorities for governments do not include even greater intrusion in the lives of Australians and destroying their right to use cash. The priorites for governments do include a Federal royalty on the gross earnings of the tech giants, plus State and Territory legislation to allow victims of fraud to recover damages from the entities which advertised that fraud. These important points are convincingly made in Unchain Australia, published August 2021, and available in pdf form free to subscribers to this substack at http://www.michaeldarby.net/unchain
Victims of vaccine harm and bereaved loved ones of deceased victims, and others harmed by authoritarian governmental overreach, all receive permanent free subscriptions to Michael Darby in Australia. Other readers, those more fortunate, are invited to contribute by way of subscription. All such contributions are directed to upholding and promoting individual liberty, which is the cornerstone of peace, prosperity and progress for humanity. Help end all forms of human sacrifice by sharing to everyone on your mailing list the link to each of the posts you receive from Michael Darby in Australia.
Click above for a visual litany of windmill horrors. Stop these environmental disasters!