Texas makes a stand against Big Pharma’s Covid vaccines
Splendid article by the Australian's Washington correspondent, Adam Creighton, 19 December 2023, brought to attention by Alistair Pope.
Adam Creighton, BEc(Hons), MPhil(Econ): Wikipedia fairly describes (below) a highly-qualified and honestly-motivated observer, analyst and writer.
Adam Creighton is an Australian journalist and the Washington correspondent for The Australian. He was previously the economics editor. He has also written for The Wall Street Journal and The Economist, and has appeared on the ABC panel show Q + A Creighton has received several awards for his journalism and writing.
Creighton holds a Bachelor of Economics with First Class Honours from the University of New South Wales, and Master of Philosophy in Economics from Baillol College, Oxford, where he was a Commonwealth Scholar, and was a journalist-in-residence at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business in 2019. He is also a contributor to Sky News Australia and is a member of the Advisory Council of the National Archives of Australia,
Creighton has previously worked at the Reserve bank of Australia, Centre for Independent Studies and the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority. In 2010, he served as a senior economic adviser to then-Australian opposition leader, Tony Abbott.
Career and views
Creighton is regarded as holding generally conservative views and has been described by Jason Wilson of The Guardian as an "arch-neoliberal", though Creighton contests that definition and describes his views as "old DLP Labor sprinkled with a bit of libertarianism"[11] and points to his stance in favour of land and inheritance taxes, a higher top marginal tax rate for very high incomes, tougher bank and pharmaceutical regulation, abolishing negative gearing and a universal age pension, and his advocacy against privatisation of energy markets. Creighton opposes increased action on climate change by the Australian government, and has warned of the lack of precision of climate and economic modelling, drawing on work by economist Robert Pindyck.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, as the economics editor for The Australian, Creighton was an ardent critic of government-implemented lockdowns to curb the spread of COVID-19, and praised Sweden's less restrictive approach to slowing the spread of the virus.[19] Creighton's defence of the Swedish government response to the COVID-19 pandemic drew criticism from other sections of the media, with Crikey's Guy Rundle claiming that Creighton's columns were "a compendium of false comparisons",[and The Guardian's Jason Wilson writing that Creighton's claims were "flatly contradicted by published epidemiological research", citing a paper that did not mention Sweden.
Creighton has referred to strict lockdowns as an affront to personal liberty and reflective of what he calls "health fascism". In April 2020, Creighton signed a joint letter with several dozen people from academia, business and media, calling for a scaling-back of Australia's lockdowns by May. He has argued for open debate and free speech, when commenting on opposition to The Joe Rogan Experience, writing: "It should be OK to have, and to air, a different view from public health officials, especially eminent scientists with long track records of publication, right or wrong."
Adam Creighton wrote:
On the last day of November Texas launched extraordinary legal proceedings that could have wide-ranging political ramifications across the developed world.
Following a lengthy state investigation, Republican Attorney-General Ken Paxton sued pharmaceutical giant Pfizer for “false, deceptive, and misleading acts and practices” related to its Covid-19 vaccines.
Paxton didn’t mince words. “We are pursuing justice for the people of Texas, many of whom were coerced by tyrannical vaccine mandates to take a defective product sold by lies,” he said in his November 30 statement.
“The facts are clear. Pfizer did not tell the truth about their Covid-19 vaccines. Whereas the Biden administration weaponised the pandemic to force illegal public health decrees on the public and enrich pharmaceutical companies, I will use every tool I have to protect our citizens who were misled and harmed by Pfizer’s actions.”
The allegations make for shocking reading, even for someone who has followed the Covid wars closely.
Pfizer appears to have exaggerated the effectiveness of its vaccines, making unfounded claims that routinely were parroted by governments, health officials and much of the mainstream media.
Remember “95 per cent effective”? According to Texas, “0.85 per cent effective” would have been a more accurate sales pitch. Pfizer ran one large clinical trial in 2020 to obtain emergency authorisation from the US Food and Drug Administration, which then green-lit the rollout. About 22,000 people were given a placebo and another 22,000 two shots of Pfizer’s Covid vaccine, and the results recorded two months later.
In the placebo group 162 people developed symptomatic Covid-19, but only eight in the vaccinated group, which is how the “95 per cent effective” was calculated. Yet according to the US Food and Drug Administration’s own guidelines this “relative risk reduction” measure is misleading and should at least be accompanied by the “absolute risk reduction”, which in this case was 0.85 per cent (0.9 per cent risk of contracting Covid-19 without vaccination, minus 0.04 per cent with).
Interestingly, the trial didn’t test the groups for asymptomatic Covid-19 using PCR tests, the kind we had to undergo repeatedly for the best part of two years, so who knows how many people in either group were infected. In terms of deaths from all causes across that two-month trial period, 21 people died in the vaccinated group and 17 in the placebo group – the opposite of what one might have expected.
Worse than promoting misleading statistics, Pfizer also claimed its vaccines stopped transmission and protected against other variants, when it knew they did not or didn’t have enough evidence to say either way.
“Pfizer deliberately created the false impression that its vaccine had durable and sustained protection, going so far as to withhold highly relevant data and information from the consuming public showing that efficacy waned rapidly,” the Texas petition says.
In February 2021, Pfizer’s chief executive claimed the vaccines offered “robust protection” against Covid-19 after six months, before the company had even collected six months of data. “No variant identified so far … escapes the protection of our vaccine,” the Pfizer chief later claimed, even though Pfizer hadn’t tested its vaccine against other variants. Israeli data from 2021 suggested efficacy against the Delta variant dropped to 39 per cent after only a month.
To anyone paying attention to daily life, all of this should have been obvious. Far more people died from or with Covid-19 in 2021 than in 2020, despite an overwhelming number of people in the developed world, especially those in at-risk groups, having been vaccinated by then.
“Indeed, by the end of 2021, official government reports showed that in at least some places a greater percentage of the vaccinated were dying from Covid-19 than the unvaccinated,” the Texas petition says. Yet to point any of these things then, even though the data was publicly available, was to invite censure as a science-denying fringe dweller.
Indeed, prominent US journalist Alex Berenson was kicked off Twitter (now X) last year for calling the vaccines “a therapeutic with a limited window of efficacy and terrible side effect profile” – a fair characterisation based on Pfizer’s own data.
Whatever its veracity, the company sales pitch was gobbled up by government, media and select experts. Pfizer sold billions of doses, doubling its revenues to $US38.4bn in 2021 from the year before. Things have gone pear-shaped since. Pfizer’s share price, which peaked at $US58 around when the Biden administration unsuccessfully tried to compel all employees in the nation to get the vaccine, has fallen 55 per cent since then, to its lowest levels since 2014.
Based on former Northern Territory chief minister Michael Gunner’s definition, 93 per cent of Americans aged six months and up are anti-vaxxers, ignoring government advice to be boosted with the last shots based on official data.
It’s not only Texans who have started to question the wisdom of forcing experimental vaccines with two months of clinical trial data on hundreds of millions of people. Australian academics Peter Parry and Peter Rhodes, in a forthcoming paper in journal Pathology – Research and Practice, lay out what they call “a historic public health disaster”.
“Many independent data sets concur – we have experienced a pandemic of viral illness, followed by a pandemic of vaccine injury,” they write, with specific reference to Australia.
Texas is suing under the state’s Deceptive Trade Practices Act. What’s on trial isn’t merely Pfizer but the institutions of governance in the developed world. If Texas wins, it will have highlighted perhaps the greatest medical fraud in history, and the abject failure of medical regulators on a scale at least as large as banking and financial regulators in 2008.
Pfizer in a public statement said its vaccine claims were “accurate and science-based” and the Texas case had no merit. If the claims in the 54-page petition are correct, the court of public opinion ultimately will find against it.
Adam Creighton
Alistair Pope’s Comment:
Emeritus Professor Robert Clancy emailed recently on what he called the five great lies of Covid:
1. Lockdowns are good for you.
2. Re-purposed drugs are dangerous and have no place but specific anti-virals (at ($1,000 each) are good for you
3. mRNA vaccines will save lives.
4. RNA vaccines are safe, and all over 6 months should be vaccinated.
5. The virus came from the Wuhan wet markets.
Alistair Pope adds this nugget from an unnamed source:
Sometimes when making predictions, one might have "insider-knowledge". So I have to confess to that when I say there is some prospect of widespread criminal prosecutions regarding the mishandling of COVID-19; particularly with respect to the banning of early treatment and the reckless promotion of deadly mRNA technology which included ploys such as compulsory mask wearing, bogus PCR tests and compulsory vaccination for persons working in various sectors of public and private employment throughout Australia.
I have been Chairman of an organisation largely comprised of ex-Senior Police Officers (some of whom resigned rather than submit to mRNA injections) and, in this role, was privy to a brief that is being used for a class action concerning those persons who were injured and the surviving relatives of those died as a consequence of mRNA injections.
For those with the patience, I present to you a brief which is at the core of that class action which is now in train. In my capacity as Chairman, I was given an advanced copy of this for comment. My group of ex-police officers have been producing statements of evidence for those persons participating in this action. It is a huge job. Of the 1,200 odd participants, we have so far completed around 800+ statements last time I checked.
Our approach is methodical and strategic in its nature. Others have tried a more direct approach and have failed in court because the judiciary is not aware of the seriousness of the situation or they are corrupt. We are doing this step by step. I think there is a reasonable prospect of this class action succeeding. When that happens, on the back of this class-action, we will be poised to commence criminal prosecutions of those persons named in this brief. We hope that, like dominoes falling, many others will then be gathered up in this process with some of those persons being foreign nations, even Anthony Fauci (though in this I'm most probably dreaming!
Christmas 2023
For poetic expressions of the real Australian Christmas spirit, for your Christmas enjoyment renowned audio engineer Peter Kukura has expertly produced my recordings of Tangmalangaloo by John O'Brien (Msg Patrick Joseph Hartigan) and The Fire at Ross’s Farm by Henry Lawson. Here are the links.
http://www.michaeldarby.net/Tangmalangaloo.mp3 and http://www.michaeldarby.net/FireAtRossFarm.mp3
Unelected authoritarians
We should harbour no illusions about wickedness of the unelected authoritarians who want all decisions about Australia to be made somewhere else.
Satire is an effective defence against authoritarians. WEF chief plotter Klaus Schwab is craftily portrayed in this skillful video by Snicklink, To view and enjoy, click on the graphic below.
At Christmas our hearts go out to all who have been stricken with injury from mRNA vaccines, and to the loved ones of all who have been died. These victims are truly human sacrifices on the altars of Big Pharma. Thanks to the efforts of Whitsundays General Practitioner Dr Melissa McCann, the New Year may bring better news for the victims. Please click on the graphic.
Russia’s brutal war of aggression against Ukraine
Christmas will be bleak for the brave Ukrainians, who deserve our prayers and our practical support. Results to Russian aggression include:
Ghastly numbers of military personnel killed and maimed defending their homeland against the invader.
Thousands of civilian casualties.
Homes, businesses, livelihoods and careers destroyed.
Cold, hunger and fear stalking the land.
Ukrainian courage and resolve are undiminished.
Putin, knowing that he cannot crush Ukraine, is deliberately inflicting punishment and impoverishment. A subsequent substack will show how appallingly Australia has failed Ukraine. We have done so little. Our contribution has been shamefully insignificant.
Quoting Paul Collits’ excellent article, republished here on 19 December 2023:
The Australian Budget 2023-24 sets out $4.6b in new climate-related spending commitments for climate action out to June 30, 2030. This is further to the $25b of climate-related spending committed in the October 2022–23 Budget. All that reckless and purposeless expenditure brings no benefit to anyone. A fraction of that money directed to genuine help for Ukraine would make a wonderful contribution to protecting the innocent victims of Putin aggression.
When you go to Church on Christmas Eve Sunday 24 December, please ask that the Congregation be led in prayer for and end to aggression against Ukraine, and specifically for an immediate ceasefire seamlessly embracing the Western Christmas and the Eastern Orthodox Christmas.
Merry Christmas
Michael Darby
Truth is good. The Truth needs all the help it can get. Help Truth win the battle by forwarding to your mailing list and by publishing in social media a link to this substack.
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Dear OpenVAET, Thank you for valuable links. if you would care to correspond with me direct, my email is mrmichaeldarby@hotmail.com. voice phone +61 0400 764 197 data and whatsapp +61 0402 558 947
Great news from Texas!
On the Ukraine/Russia issue, Mr. Darby needs to inform himself better; DC played a significant role in creating this unnecessary conflict. Not trying to absolve the Russian government of any responsibility, but, as with the Covid debacle, we need to look at things in a clear eyed manner