Slam the scam: Robert Bryce torpedoes Nantucket offshore gigantism.
The disintegration of the turbine blade and resultant pollution that forced the closure of Nantucket’s beaches should scuttle the offshore wind scam. But it’s only the tip of Big Wind’s problems.
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Breaking Wind by Robert Bryce
14 July 2024
On Saturday, the Nantucket Select Board announced it was considering legal action against Avangrid and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, the foreign corporations that own the $4 billion Vineyard Wind project now under construction in Massachusetts waters. The Select Board will meet today, Monday, in executive session to discuss the litigation.
The news of the possible litigation, which the Nantucket Current published on Saturday, comes less than a week after tons of debris from the broken wind turbine blade that was part of the massive offshore project began washing ashore on the island. The pollution forced the town to temporarily close many of its beaches during the peak summer tourist season while the debris was removed. The beaches have since reopened.
As I noted here a week ago, the development of offshore wind energy on the Eastern Seaboard has been promoted by some of America’s biggest climate NGOs, including the Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, National Wildlife Federation, and Conservation Law Foundation, as well as numerous Democratic politicians at state and federal levels. But the disaster at Vineyard Wind — and it is a monumental disaster for the offshore wind industry — is spotlighting the environmental risks posed by installing dozens or even hundreds of massive wind turbines and offshore platforms in our oceans. This disaster happened in calm weather. It doesn’t take much effort to imagine what will happen when a hurricane hits the East Coast.
The NGOs have been shameless in their collusion with foreign corporations, including oil companies like Equinor and Total, that are eagerly queueing up to collect billions in federal tax credits. But the turbine blade failure at Vineyard Wind is only part of a broader crisis facing Big Wind, both onshore and offshore. Before I talk about that crisis, and hurricanes, a bit of background is needed.
The Vineyard Wind project aims to have 800 megawatts of capacity. It will require installing 62 offshore platforms on the Eastern Seaboard in the midst of known North Atlantic Right Whale Habitat. Each turbine will have a capacity of about 13 megawatts. A handful of turbines have been installed and the project began producing power in January.
Public sentiment about “clean” energy on display in Nantucket. The Nantucket Current posted this photo on Twitter on Friday.
On Saturday, I talked to Amy DiSibio, a board member of ACK 4 Whales, the Nantucket group fighting offshore wind. “People are pissed,” she said. “They are really upset for a lot of reasons.” (ACK 4 Whales has sued to stop the project, arguing that the federal government ignored the Endangered Species Act when it issued the permit. A federal judge rejected their case in April, but the group is appealing their case to the U.S. Supreme Court.)
One of the reasons for the anger is obvious: the turbine blade began disintegrating on Saturday evening and sent some 17 cubic yards of debris into the ocean. But the owners of Vineyard Wind didn’t notify officials in Nantucket until Monday at about 5 pm. On Tuesday, the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, which is part of the Interior Department, issued a stop work order at Vineyard Wind, “until further notice.”
On Thursday, as the beach cleanup was ongoing, the remaining portion of the massive turbine blade, a chunk about 300 feet long, fell into the Atlantic Ocean. The Coast Guard warned mariners in the area of the wind project, which is located 15 miles south of Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard, to “use extreme caution” when passing through the region.
On Sunday afternoon, Nantucket fisherman and former Select Board member Bob DeCosta sent me this selfie from his boat, The Albacore. “Big Wind is not green. The only thing green about it is the money going to the offshore wind companies.”
On Sunday afternoon, I talked to Bob DeCosta, a fisherman on Nantucket who started fishing with his father when he was nine. “I’ve been on the water for 56 years,” he told me from his boat. “I don’t have a Ph.D. But like the other fishermen here, I know the tides, and the waters better than anybody. They never talked to us. These wind turbines are getting steamrolled over us. Big Wind is not green. The only thing green about it is the money going to the offshore wind companies.”
DeCosta, who served on the Nantucket Select Board for six years, operates a 35-foot charter boat, The Albacore, with his son, Ray. DeCosta said he steered his vessel through the area near Vineyard Wind early last Sunday morning through thick fog but didn’t know that debris from the shattered turbine blade was in the water. DeCosta said he could have unwittingly hit the debris which would have done significant damage to his boat. “For 48 hours, that stuff was floating around, and we knew nothing about it. It’s unacceptable.”
In addition to the public relations disaster at Vineyard Wind, Big Wind is facing a crisis caused by simple physics. The turbines now being deployed onshore and offshore are failing far sooner than expected. Why? They have gotten too big. Yes, bigger wind turbines are more efficient than their smaller cousins. But the larger the turbine, the more its components get hit by the stresses that come with their size and weight. The GE Vernova Haliade-X wind turbine used at Vineyard Wind stands 260 meters high and sweeps an area of 38,000 square meters. That means the turbine captures wind energy over an area five times larger than a soccer pitch.
But here’s the critical part: its blades are 107 meters (351 feet) long and weigh 70 tons. In addition, the rotor of the massive machine spans 220 meters. For comparison, the wingspan of a Boeing 737 is 34 meters. In other words, the turbines at Vineyard Wind are nearly as tall as the Eiffel Tower and each of their blades weighs more than a fully loaded 737.
As shown in the graphic above, the Haliade-X rotor is six and a half times wider than the wingspan of a 737. Given the enormity of the machines, it’s no wonder they are failing.
How bad is the problem? On June 28, Ohio-based American Electric Power sued GE Vernova in New York court, claiming widespread issues with the turbines it has deployed at three wind projects in Oklahoma. The complaint says:
Within only two to three years of commercial operation, the GE wind turbine generators have exhibited numerous material defects on major components and experienced several complete failures, at least one turbine blade liberation event, and other deficiencies...[a]significant portion of the wind turbine generators have completely failed or have otherwise been rendered inoperable, requiring immediate repair
According to a July 2 article in Renews.Biz, AEP, a publicly traded utility with 5.6 million customers, says that it has already incurred:
“millions of dollars in costs and damages in the future” because it will “inevitably need to repair and/or replace” additional wind turbine generators in order to meet the energy production requirements of its customers. It went on to allege that GE Vernova has refused to acknowledge responsibility to repair and/or replace all defective wind turbine generators.AEP said that in addition to its claim for cash damages, it is seeking a declaratory judgment that GE Vernova is liable for expected future failures of its wind turbine generators.
Adding intrigue to the AEP lawsuit and the failure of the turbine blade at Vineyard Wind is that GE Vernova has not issued any press releases or filed any documents with the SEC to acknowledge its potential liabilities. The company will hold its second-quarter earnings call on Wednesday and it may disclose more dismal results from its wind business. In the first quarter, it reported a 40% decline in new wind turbine orders from a year ago. It also saw a 6% decline in revenue.
How much is at stake in the AEP vs. GE Vernova litigation? According to one report, the turbines in question have a capacity of 1.5 gigawatts and cost $6.4 billion. Thus, it’s easy to imagine that GE Vernova could be on the hook for hundreds of millions of dollars in losses. Furthermore, those losses may be only part of the company’s long-term liabilities.
GE Vernova isn’t the only wind turbine maker being mauled by physics. Last year, Germany’s Siemens Energy, announced it would take a $2.4 billion loss on its wind business due to quality problems with its wind turbines. And remember, these failures and losses are happening with onshore wind turbines. The looming operation and maintenance costs for offshore wind will be astronomical.
Among the most disgusting aspects of the offshore wind scam — including the fact that foreign companies are collecting billions of dollars in tax credits so they can industrialize our oceans and do harm to our fisheries, and the critically endangered North Atlantic Right Whale — is that the current disaster was easily foreseen. Just 16 months ago, during the CERAWeek energy conference in Houston, the CEO of NextEra Energy, John Ketchum, called offshore wind “a bad bet.”
NextEra has been hyper-aggressive in its push to site solar and wind projects in rural communities across the country and Canada. And while its business tactics are often odious, NextEra is the world’s largest producer of alt-energy, which means Ketchum knows the industry. Ketchum said of offshore wind, “We find it hard enough just to take care of a fleet onshore with some of the issues that we deal with as a company, and we're best in class.”
Reuters went on to quote him thusly:
Ketchum said some of the industry's complications included saltwater corrosion, the threat of hurricanes, the availability of ships, and the installation of subsea transmission cables, and added that supply chain issues have driven up the costs.
The crucial part of Ketchum’s statement, is, of course, “the threat of hurricanes.” If GE’s wind turbine blades are coming apart now, during a calm summer day, imagine the calamity when a large hurricane slams the Eastern Seaboard. The damage to turbines at Vineyard Wind and other offshore projects will be massive and the damage to beaches and fisheries will be enormous.
DeCosta is staggered by the size of the wind turbines and furious at how Nantucket’s residents and fishermen have been ignored. “There are other ways to produce energy without doing this to our oceans,” he said. “I know a thing or two about the saltwater environment. I can’t imagine what it will take to keep these things running in salt water.” When asked about the damage a hurricane would do to the turbines, he said, “We will be picking up the pieces from this on the beaches at Nantucket for the next 20 years.” He then asked a critical question that remains unanswered: “When this stuff is obsolete, who’s going to pay to remove it? They are talking about a total of 1,400 of these things.”
DeCosta told me the turbine blade failure at Vineyard Wind is, in a way, good for opponents like him. “My hope is that we make enough of a stink that they don’t put up any more of these things. We aren’t giving up.”
Well said, Robert Bryce!
The threat to Australia may be even greater
The profiteering subsidy-thieving wildlife-slaughtering coastline-desecrating criminal scum are similarly attacking Australia with offshore windfarms, cheered on by the ABC, SBS and the corrupt majority of management and presenters at mainstream media.
High on the list of the lies they tell is the fase claim that gargantuan offshore windmills are an inexpensive method of powering communities.
For truth about energy costs, the honest sources are found in sidestream media, where important leadership ia given by West Australia’s blogger, Jo Nova. On 20 July 2024 Joanne Nova wrote:
Brown coal is the best kept secret in Australia
Imagine, in this cost-of-living crisis, if the nation discovered a 430 billion ton deposit that could produce electricity at a tenth the cost of gas and hydroelectricity? What a bonanza — the people could live like kings with heated pools, large homes, indoor spas and businesses would flock to the state to set up production lines. The state would become a trade giant and a mecca for tech.
Then imagine they let themselves be spooked into not using it for fear it would cause bad storms in a hundred years? Like the country is run by teenage girls…
Despite the costs of everything rising in 2024, the brown coal plants in Victoria are still offering to supply wholesale electricity at $8 per megawatt hour (which is 0.8c per kilowatt hour). That’s the average winning bid from brown coal plants across Quarter 1, 2024.
In the chart below of the last five years of quarterly prices, we can see that every single quarter brown coal power is the cheapest source of electricity there is bar none. (Wind and solar power, with their crazy negative prices, don’t count because they’re subsidized up-the-kazoo. Their real cost is paid through other hidden means. It’s either that, or the negative prices tell us wind and solar power are so awful you have pay people to take those toxic electrons away…).
In the last quarter brown coal set the winning bid price about 15% of the time. These were the times when there was enough brown coal power in Victoria that the grid managers didn’t have to buy any black coal, gas or hydro power at all.
The more coal power Victoria has, the more often the wholesale price will be insanely low…
Because of the way the auction works, the highest successful bidder sets the price for everyone. In theory, generators are supposed to bid the lowest price they’d accept and then the AEMO takes the cheapest offers first until it meets the full demand.
And it’s the same all across the Eastern Coast of Australia — in New South Wales was getting bids from brown coal generators at $12 per megawatt hour. In South Australia, $11. In Queensland $13, and in Tasmania $7.
Researches call for a worldwide moratorium on the use of COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy.
023 RESEARCH PAPER: COVID-19 Vaccines: The Impact on Pregnancy Outcomes and Menstrual Function
James A. Thorp, M.D. Claire Rogers, M.S.P.A.S., P.A.-C Michael P. Deskevich, Ph.D. Stewart Tankersley, M.D. Albert Benavides, B.S. Megan D. Redshaw, J.D. Peter A. McCullough, M.D., M.P.H.
From the Journal of the American Physicians and Surgeons
THIS IS THE LINK TO THE COMPLETE STUDY. One of the Tables is reproduced below. The adverse effects of influenza vaccines are trivial by comparison with the horrible, cruel and inconscionable impact of mRNA vaccines.
Michael Darby: This appalling situation is not confined to Canada. In common with their counterparts in North America, Britain, Europe and elsewhere, Australian politicians and health bureaucrats have knowingly murdered and maimed very large numbers of unborn children in order to boost the profits of Big Pharma. And they are still perpetrating this shocking crime against motherhoood and against humanity. They must be brought down.
The tyranny of Facebook
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Putin the aggressor
Putin is a mass-murdering hegemonist. Riccardo Bosi and other cheerleaders for the brutal invader of Ukraine deserve total contempt. Bosi is too gutless to face any critic. I have several times challenged Bosi to a duel, any time, any place. I have pointed out that my preference in weapons is truth plus respect for human life, mentioning that if Bosi is unfamiliar with these, then he can choose the weapons. The twerp has not responded. Maybe he is too busy spending the thousands of dollars he ripped off in membership fees and donations for an anti-democratic political party which he never attempted to register. This is the same disgrace to his former uniform and danger to society who has threatened, indeed promised, to hang public officials.
Ken Schultz has published a valuable research paper, from which excerpts are reproduced below. The complete 21-page document with 23 end note is available for free download as a pdf file, from the LINK:
Logistics and costs for Australia to achieve net-zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050
Federal Opposition Leader Hon Peter Dutton MP deserves the support of all thinking Australians in his efforts to remove the irrational and unsupportable Federal and State bans on nuclear generatio of electricity. A start has to be made in the direction of safe, reliable and inexpensive energy for Australia, and Peter Dutton is keen to make that very necesary beginning. More needs to be done. With removal of the nuclear bans established as a defining policy, Peter Dutton can look forward to winning over the Liberal State leaders to the pro-nuclear cause. In due course Liberal and Nationals parliamentarians will all learn that there is no climate crisis and no reason to support purposeless emissions targets. Moreover, there is every reason to restore Australia’s sovereignty by ensuring that decisions about the future of Australia must be made in Australia, by Australians and not by internationalist bureaucrats and plutocrats.
Exposing the lies and the Goebbels methodology of the advocates for destruction of reliable energy is a fundamentally necessary beginning.
The Saltbush Club’s esteemed founder Viv Forbes writes:
Wind and solar energy have a fatal flaw – intermittency.
Solar generators won’t run on moon-beams – they fade out as the sun goes down and stop whenever clouds block the sun. This happens at least once every day. But then at mid-day on most days, millions of solar panels pour so much electricity into the grid that the price plummets and no one makes any money. And after a good hailstorm they never work again.
Turbine generators are also intermittent - they stop whenever there is too little, or too much wind. In a wide flat land like Australia, wind droughts may affect huge areas for days at a time. This often happens when a mass of cold air moves over Australia, winds drop and power demand rises in the cold weather. All of this makes our power grid more variable, more fragile and more volatile. What do we do if we have a cloudy windless week?
Our green energy bureaucrats have the solution to green power failures – “Big Batteries”.
But big batteries bring more big problems – they have to be re-charged by the same intermittent green generators needed to keep the lights on, the trains running and the batteries charged in all those electric cars, trucks and dozers. And if anyone has been silly enough to build some power-hungry green hydrogen generators, they too will need more generation capacity and more battery backups. How long do we allow them to keep throwing our dollars into this green whirlpool?
Collecting dilute intermittent wind and solar energy from all over a big continent like Australia and moving it to coastal cities and factories brings another “green” energy nightmare – an expensive and intrusive spider-web of power-lines that are detested by landowners, degrade the environment, cause bushfires and are susceptible to damage from lightning, cyclones and sabotage.
They call them solar “farms” and wind “parks” – they are neither farms nor parks – they are monstrous and messy wind and solar power plants. And these very expensive “green” assets are idle, generating nothing, for most of most days.
Big batteries sitting in cities have proved a big fire risk and no one wants them next door. So our green “engineers” have another solution to these problems caused by their earlier “solutions” – “Mobile Batteries” (this is a worry - no one knows where they are – maybe they will be disguised as Mr Whippy ice cream vans)?
Train entrepreneurs want to build “batteries on tracks” – a train loaded with batteries, which parks beside a wind/solar energy factory until the batteries are full. Then the battery train trundles off to the nearest city to unload its electricity, preferably at a profit. They can also play the arbitrage market – buy top-up power around midday and sell into peak prices at breakfast and dinner times when the unreliable twins usually produce nothing useful. This will have the added advantage of sending coal and gas generators broke sooner by depressing peak prices. Once coal and gas are decimated, then the battery trains can make a real killing.
But battery trains may be the perfect answer to supplying those energy-hungry AI data centres. Let’s start a pilot project and park a battery train beside the National AI Centre near CSIRO in Canberra.
A more ambitious idea is the BBB Plan – “Big Batteries on Boats”.
It would work like this:
The Australian government places an order with China to build a fleet of electric boats (sail-assisted of course) that are filled with batteries (and lots of fire extinguishers). The batteries are charged with cheap coal-fired electricity at ports in China. They then sail to ports in Australia where the electricity is un-loaded into the grid whenever prices are high or blackouts loom.
Australian mines can profit from the iron ore used to make the boats, the rare minerals used to build the batteries and any Australian coal used by the Chinese power plants to charge the batteries.
This solution allows Australian politicians to go to world conferences boasting that Australia’s electricity is “Net Zero”, and more tourists can be enticed to visit our endangered industrial relics – coal mining and steam generator museums.
Of course there is another danger in the BBB solution – some entrepreneurs may load their boats with nuclear generators plus enough fuel on board for several decades of operation. Or they may even site a small nuclear reactor beside a closed coal power station and make use of all the ready-to-go power lines already in place.
This sort of dangerous thinking could well demolish another Queensland green dream – “CopperString” – a $5 billion speculation to build 840 km of new transmission line from Townsville to Mt Isa. We are not sure which way the power is expected to flow. They will probably not get there before the great copper mine at Mt Isa closes.
Why not just send a small nuke-on-a-train to Mt Isa?
From Michael Darby and allies, a program to save Australia
To save Australia from serious harm already done, and from even worse harm which the forces of darkness intend to inflict, we need a popular program of peaceful persuasion which includes these elements:
Turn the Nation away from centralised authoritarianism by devolving decision making wherever possible to local communities. The NDIS is a ghastly example of inevitable waste, corruption and criminality when control of an ostensibly humanitarian activity is vested in Canberra bureaucrats. Aged Care and Education are further examples of failed Federal overreach. Let hospitals be run by locally elected Boards with representation from the health professionals.
Rescind indemnities granted to Big Pharma
Provide total transparency on vaccine harm and excess deaths
Uphold the Early Treatment Protocols devised and continually revised by Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Pierre Kory and their allies in genuine concern for patient welfare.
Sack health bureaucrats who have no experience of treating Covid-19 and replace them with competent evidence-based Australian medical professionals who uphold the doctor-patient relationship and honour the DO NO HARM principle
Restore the right to work to all persons who suffered discrimination for non-compliance with coercive vaccination
Ensure all victims of vaccine harm receive compassion, care and compensation. Especially deserving of compassion, care and compensation are the thousands of women whose unborn babies were murdered or maimed by mRNA drugs administered during pregnancy. The official line that there are no contra-indications to mRNA drugs during pregnancy was always a lie.
Redirect academic funding from worthless study of climate change to a genuinely important and urgent goal, namely ameliorating the harmful effects of mRNA experimental drugs
Cease subsiding windmills and solar panels and they will soon disappear
Insist that there be no additional connection to the grid of solar panels and windmills.
Ban offshore windmills in all Australian waters
Expose the profiteers and scammers who promote for their financial benefit the most outrageous fraud in world history. Name and shame Andrew Forrest AO and all the rest of them
Declare that action on climate change deserves no status as a goal of policy, and that goverments at all levels are expected to lead and inspire focus upon genuine goals which embrace: compassion care and compensation for victims of mRNA vaccines and all other forms of governmental, bureaucratic and corporate over-reach; elimination of homelessness; minimisation of suicide; practical locally-based assistance and encouragement for the poor, the elderly, the disadvantaged and the marginalised; control of immigration to uphold the job opportunities, access to housing, personal security and cultural cohesion of Australians; plus restoration and preservation of Australian sovereinty through economic and military strength; all with the aim of achieving peace, progress and prosperity for future generations.
End dangerous, expensive and wholly purposeless geo-sequestration
Educate all politicians, teachers and media presenters to read tide gauges
Stop destroying farmland, forests and habitats by useless grid expansion
Shut down the fake industry ripping off grants for studying a non-problem
Accept the truth that edible animals cannot increase carbon dioxide levels
Stand with primary producers in guaranteeing the right to live export
Slash immigration, and limit refugees to persecuted Christians only
Remove the Federal ban on nuclear energy and also remove State bans in Queensland, NSW and Victoria.
Incentivise the conversion to liquid fuel of Victoria’s vast brown coal reserves, to rescue Australia from dependence on foreign refineries and dire lack of strategic fuel reserves
Accept that brown coal is an excellent low-cost source of energy for electricity generation, and resist all restrictions upon it use
Where possible extend the life of coal-fired power stations.
Replace destroyed and non-extendable coal fired power stations with nuclear power stations
Call for tenders for deploying small nuclear reactors mounted on unsinkable powered barges at sites including Esperance, Busselton, Karratha, Carnarvon, Karratha, Port Hedland, Broome, Wyndham, Darwin, Gove Peninsula, Cooktown, Cairns, Townsville.
Encourage industry and population growth by offering free residential electricty in the vicinity of each nuclear reactor.
Cancel the Snowy Hydro II scam and write off the money already wasted. Note that pumped hydro and other forms of energy storage cannot convert unreliable energy to reliable energy. Pumped hydro is good for extending the utility of reliable power generation fueled by coal or nuclear power, and the use of mine voids is appropriate for this purpose.
Quit the WHO, reject the WEF, the IPCC and Paris Agreements
Cancel every agreement and rescind evey law or regulation which mentions Climate Change, Carbon Dioxide or Emissions Targets or Net Zero
Cease immediately all governmental promotion of mRNA vaccines while permitting prescriptions by private doctors for fully informed consenting patients.
Stop growing fuel and instead focus on feeding hungry deserving humans
Stop paying primary producers not to grow food
Stop printing money
Guarantee the permanent continuation of cash
Get rid of the woke wastrels pretending to lead the Australian Defence Force
Impose a Commonwealth royalty of 20% on the local turnover of international tech giants who presently pay minimal tax on contrived low declared profits.
Acknowledge that local government across Australia has been deliberately and systematically subverted by international cultists hostile to the welfare of Australians, and develop a strategy to undo the damage.
Ensure that any group of Australians who wish to form a new State, should be entitled to vote on the matter.
Most of the above recommendations are explained at length in Unchain Australia, launched in August 2021.
Unchain Australia is free to subscribers at
No Surrender on the Digital ID Bills!
Friends, this is not the time to surrender. Lobby your local minor party and opposition parliamentarians and candidates. The priorities for governments do not include even greater intrusion in the lives of Australians and destroying their right to use cash. The priorites for governments do include a Federal royalty on the gross earnings of the tech giants, plus State and Territory legislation to allow victims of fraud to recover damages from the entities which advertised that fraud. These important points are convincingly made in Unchain Australia, published August 2021, and available in pdf form free to subscribers to this substack at
Message to Free Subscribers
In the Substack system, the lowest rate which can be charged for a subscription is $5 per month or $50 per year. In these difficult times that is a lot of money, especially if you are already contributing to other worthy sources. So be kind to four friends and help my work by gifting four subscriptions for one month only at $5 each, for a total of $20. If your budget is really tight, then gift one subscription for just $5. Donors of gift subscriptions to this substack all receive full status as paid subscribers. Just hit the Subscribe button and follow the prompts. Thank you so much.
Unity of Purpose is a Worthy Aim
Let’s Get Our Act Together
Dr Peter McCullough and his ally John Leake have together made a wonderful international contribution to understanding of early treatment protocols and the harm caused by mRNA drugs. In addition to their powerful intervention against the Biden administration’s obsession with maximising the profits of Big Pharma, DrMcCullough and John Leake also contribute strongly to the defence of civilisation against the profiteering advocates for abolition of reliable energy.
Similarly, Dr Robert W Malone MD, another effective opponent of coercive vaccination, also warns us of the immense dangers inseparable from the policies of the Environmental Protection Agency, for example the intended requirement for electric models to account for 60% of new urban delivery trucks and 25% of long-haul prime movers by 2032.
Some of the millions of victims of vaccine harm have not yet realised that their suffering has been caused by the same politicians, the same unelected authoritarians and the same profiteers who drive the global warming fraud. Let’s all encourage such victims to identify and expose the wickedness which has caused their pain, while we maximise our efforts to alleviate that pain.
Some of the good folk who lucidly advocate for real science in opposition to the charlatans of the Global Warming Cult have not yet turned their attention to the wickedness of Big Pharma and its corrupt allies in positions of power in Australia, Canada, USA, UK and elsewhyere. Let us all encourage every person of goodwill to speak up for the victims of vaccine harm (or their surviving loved ones) who emphatically deserve compassion, care and compensation.
Some readers have not yet declared themselves as supporters of freedom and national sovereignty for the people of Ukraine, victims of brutal aggression by the Putin hegemonists. Historians of the future may well concur that the October 2023 attack on Israel by HAMAS was orchestrated by Putin, with the results exactly as he planned; a major distraction from public examination of the wickedness of Russia, and a dilution of support for Ukraine. Neither Putin nor HAMAS care in the slightest about the consequent bloodshed. Note that Australia has still failed to deliver on the promise to shift our Embassy to Jerusalem. Thoughtful Australians stand with Ukraine and stand with Israel. Riccardo Bosi - the thug who called for Australian public officials to be hanged - and his fellow twerps shamefully stand with Putin.
Save the The Fritz Karger file to your own system for valuable reference
Click above for a visual litany of windmill horrors. Stop these environmental disasters!
The writing was on the wall for the offshore wind industry when investigators in Britain discovered the true cost. People at the Telegraph and the Global Warming Policy Forum had to penetrate the wall of secrecy and fraud perpetrated by politicians, public servants and the wind industry to find the truth.
See Rupert Darwall in The Spectator
it was apparent that offshore wind will never fly economically and it will only get worse as supply chains are stretched further and more problems are revealed.
Strictly speaking the cost is somewhat academic because the whole shooting match is approaching the end game due to the implications of the ABC of intermittent energy and the wind droughts documented by the Australians Anton Lang and the Miskelly team. The meteorologists never bothered to mention low wind periods although mariners and millers must have experienced them for centuries.
Then the wind planners never checked the wind supply. Now around the world grids are approaching the tipping point where conventional power runs down to the point when the system is likely to fail every windless night. Germany, Britain and South Australia have got there and they survive by importing power and shedding power-intensive industries.