Freedom of Speech. Now and always.
Splendid writer Rebekah Barnett reports that the Misinformation Bill is DEAD IN THE WATER
Two Queeensland Parliamentarians who never wavered in their commitment to freedom of speech.
It was a privilege for me to share a microphone with these two noble Queenslanders at Ballymore Oval as part of the successful defeat of the Bob Hawke ID Card.
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Rebekah Barnett on 19 November 2024:
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BREAKING: Australian Government's misinformation bill dead in the water
The government will need a miracle to turn this around
Nov 19
Independent Senators David Pocock, Fatima Payman and Lidia Thorpe will vote against the misinformation bill. Image: AAP/Lukas Coch.
In what looks set to be a win for free speech Down Under, critical support from independent senators for the Australian Government’s controversial misinformation bill has collapsed completely.
The Labor Government needed votes from four out of seven independents to pass the bill, but as of today, every single one of the seven independent senators on the crossbench has declared their opposition to the bill.
Formerly undecided Senator Lidia Thorpe today stated her intention to vote against it, due to concerns that "white-dominated institutions" would regulate what constitutes truth, which would would "further erase, suppress and misrepresent First Nations narratives and activism.”
Senator David Van appears to have been swayed by public and/or peer pressure, changing his stance from for to against the bill. In Parliament today, Senator Van said that on “at first glance, the bill seemed to be a reasonable approach to tackle harmful content on platforms,” but that on further examination, “there are such significant defects in the bill that means it should not pass as drafted.”
The other five crossbench senators (Senators Pocock, Tyrrell, Payne, Lambie and Rennick) had already declared their intention to vote against the bill, effectively blocking it from passing provided they vote accordingly. Today’s additional declarations only widen the margin of loss for the government.
Katrina Lane, Chief Operations Officer of community action group the Aligned Council of Australia (ACA), said that the ACA is “absolutely delighted to see Democracy in action.”
“The people have spoken, and senators have listened. Australians say no to censorship.”
The ACA, which represents nearly two million Australians, has run an effective campaign against the misinformation bill this year, and has collected nearly 60,000 signatures on petitions opposing the bill.
The government will now either need to significantly alter the misinformation bill in line with demands from the independent senators, or apply such pressure that the majority of them either change their minds or don’t show up for the vote. Short of a miracle, these scenarios are unlikely.
The Senate is scheduled to vote on the bill next Monday, but it’s possible that the government will withdraw the bill to avoid the loss. It’s also possible that lobbyists are currently working very hard at turning this around.
It’s not over till it’s over, but the chance of this going the government’s way is very slim.
If you are the type take out insurance, a last round of calls and emails to senators is advisable. It would still be good to get a guarantee from the Greens that they will oppose the bill. Even with the support of the Greens, the government can’t pass the bill without support from the crossbench, but opposition from the Greens would send a strong message of rejection.
Also, don’t forget to send messages of support to senators who have stated their opposition to the bill.
Greens senators’ contact information can be found here.
Independent senators contact information can be found here.
All Australian senators can be searched by postcode here.
Resources such as templates for letter-writing, sign-making and social media tiles can be found via the Aligned Council of Australia website.
Someone in need of further convincing? Seven reasons to oppose the bill:
Network Affects
Australia’s misinformation bill is on the ropes
The Australian Labor Government says that the proliferation of misinformation and disinformation is an urgent problem and is seeking to pass new legislation to force social media platforms to clamp down on what it says are mistruths…
a day ago · 220 likes · 44 comments · Andrew Lowenthal and Rebekah Barnett
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© 2024 Rebekah Barnett PO Box 1055 Claremont WA 6910
Letter to each Senator by Kevin Loughrey
Dear Senator,
I am writing to express my concern about the proposed Misinformation and Disinformation Bill that you will be voting upon in the near future.
I ask that you vote against this bill as it is potentially a threat not only to the general public but also to your freedom and to those whom you love. In making this request, I remind you that the purpose of the Senate, as intended by the framers of our Constitution, was for it act as an impartial “House of Review”. As such, I ask that you not be bound by Party policy but instead decide on the basis of what you consider to be in the best interests of the citizens in the State or Territory you represent.
There are many reasons why this bill should be rejected. Some of them are technical, ie, the bill is poorly worded and vague or that there is insufficient justification for this bill.
At its core, though, the most persuasive and compelling reason this bill should be rejected outright is that any restriction on the ability of citizens to say what they are thinking and to express their opinions on any matter is a serious assault upon democracy. This is a danger to us all; you, me, everyone!
Bills like this are often driven by good intentions though many would argue, in this case, there is something decidedly sinister in this bill’s underlying motives.
By way of example, I have in the past written and published papers dealing with vaccine injury and with Anthropogenic Global Warming, now vaguely called “Climate Change”.
You may find details regarding this at and
Importantly, as a consequence of the material displayed on these webpages, I could be accused by some, holding a contrary view, of being a purveyor of “Misinformation” or
“Disinformation” yet I challenge any detractor to find fault with any of it. Indeed, if there is a purveyor of misinformation it is Government and the legacy media that is, in some cases, subsidised by the Government.
Consider now, if such an accusation was made and I was then compelled to appear before a Tribunal that would decide on this case. Such an appearance would be stressful, consume a considerable amount of my time and would be expensive just for me to defend myself. And then there is the prospect of a Tribunal, especially one that is politically driven, finding me guilty and imposing upon me a heavy fine. The prospect of this to most people would be such that free speech would be suffocated.
I therefore ask you to reject this bill in its entirety. Do not even consider a compromise. There can be no compromise on the matter of free speech for any such compromise will inevitably put our democracy on a slippery slope to authoritarianism and tyranny.
Kevin Loughrey LtCol(Ret’d)
1 Keith Hall Lane KEITH HALL NSW 2478
Mobile: +61 416276 624
Email: Webpage:
This is the LINK to an audio version of Ferdinand Ukqwitt’s signature poem (below). Please share everywhere the link plus the text of the poem. To assist VICTORY BY SATIRE, compose your own material (songs, cartoons, poems, billboards, operas, anything) lampooning the enemies of humanity.
Go to: File/Open in/VLC Media Player (or your other choice)
The recording using Audacity is by current Bush Poetry Champion of Australia, Michael Darby. Contact is invited from a musician who would like to share the copyright by writing the music and performing. Similarly, if you are an illustrator who would like to create a presentation for online or print, or if you have suggestions for more stanzas, sms 0402 558 947 or email
We’re censoring the poets, that has to be good news
We can’t have random rhymers declaiming dismal views.
They say among the poets less than half of them were vaxxed.
With enemies like that around, we cannot feel relaxed.
My name is Ferdinand Ukqwitt, a leader of the Greens
I much enjoy soy latte from plant-based coffee beans
I’m running for the Senate. In case you may not know it
I have been designated International Green Poet.
Our loyal friends in Labor have come up with a deal
The greatest forward progress since invention of the wheel
By a local astronomer fifty thousand years before
The invader Captain Cook came landing on our shore.
To keep the adults all in line and discipline the youth
Reshuffled National Cabinet gets a Ministry of Truth.
Disinformation has been rattling around the world
There’ll be a sudden stop, when our banner is unfurled.
Nothing beats the truth you see, and incentives must be right
So our belov’d Prime Minister sleeps peacefully at night.
Scotty had a bright idea, he shared it with the mob
Freedom of speech, said Morrison, created not one job.
Poetry is dangerous, especially when it rhymes
Those who wish to write in verse must keep up with the times
Poets used to concentrate on voice and elocution
Our way to keep them all in line is fear of execution.
“Every man should have a rifle, and cartridges in store!”
Warmonger Henry Lawson has gone for evermore.
Poets in Australia should campaign like Judith Wright
She stopped the Concorde genocide by supersonic flight.
The female poets are the worst, They always cause us trouble.
If you see a woman busking, surround her on the double.
They spruik of love and family, and honouring the King
With some of them so out of touch, they wear a wedding ring.
Poets approved by rulers must stop appearing crook
Display their proud conformity with a neat and simple look
The uniform which we’ll enforce will never cause a shock
No faded jeans, no waistcoats, and at least one matching sock
For males a standard hairdo would surely please us all
Just ignore a poet whose head’s a bowling ball.
Mark Thompson the bridge builder is shaggy as a bear
Ban him from performing till he shaves and cuts his hair
Poetry is culture, which is not for untrained fools
You can aspire to be a poet when you’re clear about the rules.
Whenever you’re uncertain of the path that you should take
Focus on the ABC, or SBS for goodness’ sake.
To get a poem approved, just go through proper channels
And write about the elegance of a million solar panels
If you’re looking for a subject without causing a commotion
Enthuse about the windfarms which are poetry in motion.
Your government is always right, no room for criticism
No denigrating leaders with ribald witticism.
If you need a victim who deserves to feel the lash
Take aim at the cookers who want to pay in cash
The worldwide poor enjoy the dark, they have no need of power
Safe reliable energy makes them lazier by the hour.
Children dry the dung for cooking and learn by candlelight
Feeling proud that we are winning the noble carbon fight
Reactionaries still are claiming that the world needs fossil fuels
Abolish such technology! Sun and wind shall be our tools.
We can’t have Peter Dutton winning government by a fluke
Fighting CO2 is not enough, we have to crush the nuke.
We despise the profiteers and opportunists from the Right
Let them grovel all they want, we'll crush them with our might
Those who condone "Net Zero" have signed away their souls
For justly retribution when the bell of vengeance tolls.
We hate Candace Owens who must not get a visa
Plus Monica Extremist Smit, trying hard to please her
Kiwis don’t want her either, send her back to the plantation
Her dark divisive diatribes endanger every nation.
We hate to see tall Asians, there’s one of them near you
Their height is caused by climate change and too much CO2.
Height is a source of privilege, especially in sport
Cut CO2 and once again, the peasants will be short.
We hate all the farmers, the women and the men
Creatures should be roaming free but get shut in a pen
They vote for our opponents and steal the milk from cows
Then offend our Moslem friends, with piglets, boars and sows.
We hate all coal miners, they exhale polluted air
Wear their macho tattoos, don’t shave their pubic hair.
They vote for our opponents and sire too many kids
Coal miners are the reason the Nation’s on the skids.
We hate every driller; why are they all male?
A misogynist profession must deserve to fail.
They keep old Playboy magazines and none of them are gay
When we shut down the drillers, the mines will fade away.
We hate all geologists, like Professor Ian Plimer
To stop them finding minerals, well nothing could be finer.
Those who revel with the rocks, it’s only fair to warn yer
We’re banning all geology to protect the troglofauna.
We hate every forester, they plant trees everywhere
One day those trees will burn or die, shove carbon in the air.
Carbon change is happening, we’re sounding the alarm
Fill all the mines with buried trees and neither can do harm.
We hate all the truckies, they roll their cigarettes
Wear sweaty dark blue singlets and keep dogs or cats as pets.
The price of fuel is stressing them, just hear their conversation
When we stop the truckies then we will stop the nation.
We hate all the fishers; they think they own the sea.
Lobsters, eels and oysters should all be swimming free
They vote for our opponents and it would be so cool
To punish them by slapping diesel excise on their fuel.
We hate all the workers, why must they have jobs?
They should be on the dole like us and hang out with the slobs.
They vote for our opponents and believe in family life
Our formula for workers is misery and strife.
We hate all the tradies, those bogans crude and rude
Play contact sports and eat red meat instead of vegan food.
They vote for our opponents and hoon around in utes
Wearing ghastly HiViz with ugly steel-capped boots.
We hate ivermectin, which is used for drenching cattle
For extremists like McCullough it’s a weapon in the battle.
Our funders can be confident we’ll keep our motives pure
Nothing threatens profits like a cheap and speedy cure.
We hate the false assertions that Big Pharma has done harm.
Vaccines are safe, effective and working like a charm
Those claiming to be victims must be perpetrating fraud
Pleas for care and compensation should be callously ignored.
We hate all the nurses who think they’re very smart
Trusting Florence Nightingale that healing is an art.
They vote for our opponents and join their own Red Union
Their dislike of tyranny is nothing but delusion.
We hate all the doctors who talk of patient care
Doc Swan cares for nobody yet broadcasts on the air.
AHPRA is the deity where practitioners must bow
Those who will not genuflect, end their careers now.
We hate anti-vaxxers, who refuse to take the jab
While we love Big Pharma who constructs it in a lab
They vote for our opponents who will not go away
We guarantee dictatorship has surely come to stay.
We hate all the women who insist on giving birth
Every extra human is polluting Planet Earth.
They vote for our opponents, block the street with prams
And write letters to the papers asking for more dams.
We hate the narcissists who like showering every day
Their cleanliness obsession means the planet has to pay
They vote for our opponents while wasting all that water
Build your houses out of hemp instead of bricks and mortar
We hate all the elderly, they should be shuffling on.
The world will be a better place when old folk all are gone.
Oldies play with grandchildren and don’t use bongs or ice
In the New World Order, turning sixty is a vice.
We hate all the brumbies who infest our national parks
And we intend to sanction every foreign dog that barks.
Horses keep the fire trails open and so it’s only fair
To call in the helicopters and shoot them from the air.
We hate Mundine for abandoning the sinking Labor ship
Warren and nuclear energy are now joined at the hip.
His online meme announces he has judged Australia well
He should join us in ensuring that Australia goes to hell.
We hate that Senator Antic calls his party “People First”
Of all the names available, that really is the worst.
The people must not be trusted, their job is to obey
Turn your back on Antic’s crew when it comes to polling day.
We hate Pauline Hanson, what more can we say?
Her disrespectful cartoons should be banned this very day.
For questioning immigration she should certainly be cursed
Whatever dissidents may believe, she often said it first.
We hate Ms Katrina Lane who speaks for the Aligned
Everyone who reads her stuff should heavily be fined.
She’s obsessed with liberty and thinks she has the right
To collect Petition signatures by day and through the night.
We hate Sandra Bourke who betrays the sisterhood
Confects a cheerful smiling face to pose as doing good.
She’s said it far too many times, she really is a bore
Describing Albo’s policy as “rotten to the core”.
We hate Keith Pitt of Hinkler, the electrical engineer
Who values facts and principles above his own career.
By opposing the Paris Agreement he forfeited our trust
His support for reliable energy should crumble into dust.
We hate Senator McKenzie, who likes to shoot a gun
Prosecuting animal activists is her idea of fun.
Backs Jews against Hamas and pigs against swine fever
Wants female sporting change rooms. All should disbelieve her.
We hate Graeme Haycroft who pretends to see The Light
Reversing Australia’s history of left-wing union might.
He claims that frontline workers deserve to have a voice
And insists that union members are entitled to a choice.
We hate all the tourists, why should we aim to please?
The majority of foreigners all come from overseas.
If freedom’s what they’re wanting, we wish they’d go away
Except those who hate Australia, whom we’ll invite to stay.
We hate all South Africans who keep exporting coal
Lifting people out of poverty is their foolish worthless goal.
Oppose crime and corruption while building diesel tractors
They undermine Net Zero plans with helium-cooled reactors.
We hate Australia’s warriors who do the fighting for us
With armchair generals chanting their woke Australia chorus.
Australia has no need of any deadly armed defender
We much prefer our rulers to negotiate surrender.
We hate all you Christians, you brought the Inquisition
Colonialism and Crusades then invented nuclear fission.
For the crimes you perpetrated, you must be brought to book
Stopping cannibals and slavery won’t get you off the hook.
We hate all the selfish folk who drive dirty petrol cars
Ban them from beauty salons and exile them from bars.
Charge them double highway tolls and make them wear a mask
Save the world from drowning! That’s not too much to ask.
We hate carbon dioxide. You can see it in the air
It causes global warming and kills every polar bear.
Loved by our opponents, it’s Australia’s greatest foe
Give us lots of billions and we’ll pump it down below.
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Unity of Purpose is a Worthy Aim
Let’s Get Our Act Together
Dr Peter McCullough and his ally John Leake have together made a wonderful international contribution to understanding of early treatment protocols and the harm caused by mRNA drugs. In addition to their powerful intervention against the Biden administration’s obsession with maximising the profits of Big Pharma, DrMcCullough and John Leake also contribute strongly to the defence of civilisation against the profiteering advocates for abolition of reliable energy.
Similarly, Dr Robert W Malone MD, another effective opponent of coercive vaccination, also warns us of the immense dangers inseparable from the policies of the Environmental Protection Agency, for example the intended requirement for electric models to account for 60% of new urban delivery trucks and 25% of long-haul prime movers by 2032.
Some of the millions of victims of vaccine harm have not yet realised that their suffering has been caused by the same politicians, the same unelected authoritarians and the same profiteers who drive the global warming fraud. Let’s all encourage such victims to identify and expose the wickedness which has caused their pain, while we maximise our efforts to alleviate that pain.
Some of the good folk who lucidly advocate for real science in opposition to the charlatans of the Global Warming Cult have not yet turned their attention to the wickedness of Big Pharma and its corrupt allies in positions of power in Australia, Canada, USA, UK and elsewhyere. Let us all encourage every person of goodwill to speak up for the victims of vaccine harm (or their surviving loved ones) who emphatically deserve compassion, care and compensation.
Some readers have not yet declared themselves as supporters of freedom and national sovereignty for the people of Ukraine, victims of brutal aggression by the Putin hegemonists. Historians of the future may well concur that the 7 October 2023 attack on Israel by HAMAS was orchestrated by Putin, with the results exactly as he planned; a major distraction from public examination of the wickedness of Russia, and a dilution of support for Ukraine. Neither Putin nor HAMAS nor Hezbollah care in the slightest about the consequent bloodshed. Note that Australia has still failed to deliver on the promise to shift our Embassy to Jerusalem. Thoughtful Australians stand with Ukraine and stand with Israel and stand with Taiwan.
From Michael Darby and allies, a program to save Australia
[Additions welcome]
To save Australia from serious harm already done, and from even worse harm which the forces of darkness intend to inflict, we need a popular program of peaceful persuasion which includes these elements:
Turn the Ausralian Nation away from centralised authoritarianism by devolving decision making wherever possible to local communities. The NDIS is a ghastly example of inevitable waste, corruption and criminality when control of an ostensibly humanitarian activity is vested in Canberra bureaucrats. Aged Care and Education are further examples of failed Federal overreach. Let hospitals be run by locally elected Boards with representation from the health professionals.
Rescind indemnities granted to Big Pharma
Provide total transparency on vaccine harm and excess deaths
Uphold the Early Treatment Protocols devised and continually revised by Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Pierre Kory and their affiliates in genuine concern for patient welfare.
Sack health bureaucrats who have no experience of treating Covid-19 and replace them with competent evidence-based Australian medical professionals who uphold the doctor-patient relationship and honour the DO NO HARM principle
Restore the right to work to all persons who suffered discrimination for non-compliance with coercive vaccination
Ensure all victims of vaccine harm receive compassion, care and compensation. Especially deserving of compassion, care and compensation are the thousands of women whose unborn babies were murdered or maimed by mRNA drugs administered during pregnancy. The official line that there are no contra-indications to mRNA drugs during pregnancy was always a lie.
Redirect academic funding from worthless study of climate change to a ge nuinely important and urgent goal, namely ameliorating the harmful effects of mRNA experimental drugs
Cease subsiding windmills and solar panels and they will soon disappear
Insist that there be no additional connection to the grid of solar panels and windmills.
Ban offshore windmills in all Australian waters
Expose the profiteers and scammers who promote for their financial benefit the most outrageous fraud in world history. Name and shame Andrew Forrest AO and all the rest of them
Declare that action on climate change deserves no status as a goal of policy, and that governments at all levels are expected to lead and inspire focus upon genuine goals which embrace: compassion care and compensation for victims of mRNA vaccines and all other forms of governmental, bureaucratic and corporate over-reach; elimination of homelessness; minimisation of suicide; practical locally-based assistance and encouragement for the poor, the elderly, the disadvantaged and the marginalised; control of immigration to uphold the job opportunities, access to housing, personal security and cultural cohesion of Australians; plus restoration and preservation of Australian sovereignty through economic and military strength; all with the aim of achieving peace, progress and prosperity for future generations.
End dangerous, expensive and wholly purposeless geo-sequestration
Educate all politicians, teachers and media presenters to read tide gauges
Stop destroying farmland, forests and habitats by useless grid expansion
Shut down the fake industry ripping off grants for studying the non-problem of climate change
Accept the truth that edible animals cannot increase carbon dioxide levels by eating grass, nor by any other means
Stand with primary producers in guaranteeing the right to live export
Slash immigration, and limit refugees to persecuted Christians only
Remove the Federal ban on nuclear energy and also remove State bans on nuclear energy in Queensland, NSW and Victoria
Incentivise the conversion to liquid fuel of Victoria’s vast brown coal (lignite) resource, to rescue Australia from dependence on foreign refineries and dire lack of locally held strategic fuel reserves
Accept that brown coal is an excellent low-cost source of energy for electricity generation, and resist all restrictions upon its use
Where possible extend the life of coal-fired power stations
Replace destroyed and non-extendable coal fired power stations with nuclear power stations
Call for tenders for deploying small modular reactors mounted on unsinkable powered barges at sites including Esperance, Busselton, Karratha, Carnarvon, Karratha, Port Hedland, Broome, Wyndham, Darwin, Gove Peninsula, Cooktown, Cairns, Townsville. Helium-cooled reactors from South Africa will serve this purpose well, and in addition, with no need for cooling water, are ideal for remote inland operation. As one example, with nuclear power at hand, vast coal reserves astride the SA/NT border suddenly become viable. Access in remote areas to low cost, totally reliable electricity has the potential to transform the mostly empty interior. Electricity for abattoirs. Electricity for deep drilling. Electricity for excavation. Electricity for pantograph power of mine haulage. Electricity for minerals processing and beneficiation. Electricity for water purification. Electricity for railways. Electricity for data processing and even for bitcoin mining. Electricity for homes, hospitals and happiness. Electricity for jobs. Electricity for manufacturing. Electricity for education. Electricity for new communities, new cities and new States.
Encourage industry and population growth by offering free residential electricty in the vicinity of each nuclear reactor.
Cancel the Snowy Hydro II scam and write off the money already wasted. Invite tenders for commercial use of the now worthless tunnel, perhap as the world’s largest mushroom farm. Note that pumped hydro and other forms of energy storage cannot convert unreliable energy to reliable energy. Pumped hydro is good for extending the utility of reliable power generation fueled by coal or nuclear power, and the use of mine voids is appropriate for this purpose.
Quit the WHO, reject the WEF, the IPCC and Paris Agreements
Cancel every agreement and rescind evey law or regulation which mentions Climate Change, Carbon Dioxide or Emissions Targets or Net Zero
Cease immediately all governmental promotion of mRNA vaccines while permitting prescriptions by private doctors for fully informed consenting patients.
Stop growing fuel and instead focus on feeding hungry deserving humans
Stop paying primary producers not to grow food
Stop printing money
Guarantee the permanent continuation of cash
Get rid of the woke wastrels pretending to lead the Australian Defence Force
Impose a Commonwealth royalty of 20% on the local turnover of international tech giants who presently pay minimal tax on contrived low declared profits.
Acknowledge that local government across Australia has been deliberately and systematically subverted by international cultists hostile to the welfare of Australians, and develop a strategy to undo the damage.
Ensure that any group of Australians who wish to form a new State, should be entitled to vote on the matter.
Most of the above recommendations are explained at length in Unchain Australia, launched in August 2021. Unchain Australia is free to subscribers at
Petroleum Service Company. Petroleum Product of the Week
No Surrender on the Digital ID Bills!
Friends, this is not the time to surrender. Lobby your local minor party and opposition parliamentarians and candidates. The priorities for governments do not include even greater intrusion in the lives of Australians and destroying their right to use cash. The priorites for governments do include a Federal royalty on the gross earnings of the tech giants, plus State and Territory legislation to allow victims of fraud to recover damages from the entities which advertised that fraud. These important points are convincingly made in Unchain Australia, published August 2021, and available in pdf form free to subscribers to this substack at
Click above for a visual litany of windmill horrors. Stop these environmental disasters!